Warral newsletter, Autumn 2021: an update from Lindsay

While COVID didn’t quite let it happen the way I wanted, I’m pumped to be a part of BICWACON this year. I sincerely hope other beekeepers will benefit and adopt it to their operations – I’m even sharing the specs of the curtain we’ve developed to make it as easy as possible for this better way of moving bees to become mainstream.⁠ ⁠

Autumn also means packing the bees down for winter, ensuring they are warm and well nourished. We have two big pollination contracts to fill on almonds and canola seed early next season, our biggest by far. We’re in charge of pollination for an entire orchard that needs over 4,000 hives – very exciting and a lot of room to grow in the future. ⁠ ⁠

I’ve been very blessed to learn from two parents that were very good business people. They didn’t “run with the rabbits“; they were entrepreneurial and extremely hard working – which might explain why after 30 years I’m starting to feel a little older! ⁠ ⁠

A lot of what we do is honoring their efforts and legacy and our new Signature range will be doing just that. Our first in this new line of single-source honeys is dedicated to my mum and her favorite River Red Gum honey. ⁠ ⁠

We’ve also hit two fantastic milestones that I am also honoured to call out: our Business Development Manager Melinda and Packaging Manager Kerrie have been involved with Warral for 20 years now – both started when my daughter Joy was 2 in 2001. ⁠ ⁠

Not many businesses in this fast-paced day and age can speak to employees being with them for multiple decades, but I’m so proud that one of them is Warral. ⁠ ⁠

My best wishes,

Lindsay Callaway

Owner/Managing Director

Warral Maldon

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