Download the spec sheet for our custom-built bee-moving trucks

In a song all too familiar for us in Victoria, COVID got in the way of us attending the Bee Industry Council of Western Australia conference in June, where Lindsay was set to present on how we’ve set up our trucks to move bee hives.

First, we couldn’t go over there because of our own outbreak in Melbourne (which was a huge shame as Lindsay has actually never been to WA and was really looking forward to it), then once we’d sorted out doing it all remotely and made the recording of our presentation, Perth’s snap lockdown happened and the entire event was postponed.

Talk about bad luck for the great people over in WA who organised this fantastic event! Fingers crossed we’ll get the opportunity to go over there soon.

However, we didn’t want to wait until then to share our knowledge and experience on the best way to move bees around. You can read more about our custom truck curtains and other ways our Beeliner MKII and Honeyjoy are kitted out here, but since it’s coming up to pollination season and moving bees safely and effectively is more important than ever, we wanted to update you with our full spec sheet that’s downloadable in its entirety below.

It outlines all the changes and additions we’ve made to our two trucks as well as the benefits we see for our beekeepers, business and of course the bees.

We’re sharing all our secrets because we genuinely think it’s something all apiarists should use to improve the overall operations of our entire industry – it’s not something we want to, or should, keep to ourselves.

So download, have a look and let us know what you think.

And if you want any more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Lindsay directly who is more than happy to discuss the details further.

You can also watch Lindsay’s presentation below to hear it all in his own words.