It’s been an interesting year here at Warral Maldon like it has for just about everyone; but alongside the trials COVID has brought us also comes the good.
My love of helping the bees collect nectar and pollen and producing pure honey and beeswax has been encapsulated in the new look to my business, so it’s with great pride that we have installed our larger-than-life brand onto our HQ in Maldon. Darren, our on-site master craftsman undertook, in his words “one of his most challenging tasks” with its installation, symbolising the immense care and expertise of my staff that go into producing our quality apiary products and services.
The new signage really makes our Maldon HQ feel like home for Warral Maldon. I love the challenge of beekeeping; to me, it captures a moment in time. Instead of a picture or painting, it is the art of honey and wax. My role is to deliver our hives to native forests, helping the bees
capture the moment they come into bloom. The matrix of variables at play, including the weather, the health of the bees, the tracks to deliver the bees and much more can all help or hinder our chances of capturing the best crop.
I am also thrilled to have just received the last of our new labels to our current range of 400g squeeze, 500g jars, 1kg and 3kg buckets, thus capping off our initial phase of Warral Maldon. I am even more excited to be expanding our range and launching our new website as we leave 2020 and move into 2021.
To my customers, suppliers, farmers and particularly my staff, I want to thank you personally for your support, and I can’t wait to show you more of what we’ve been up to.
My best wishes,
Lindsay Callaway
Owner/Managing Director
Warral Maldon